Who I Am

Susan Corr

PhD, MPhil, DipCoaching


Executive coach: Following a varied and extensive career in the NHS and academia, going from occupational therapist to professor, researcher to mentor, manager to leader, I am now a freelance coach and consultant enabling others to reach their full potential.

Change leader: I have been a leader throughout my career, being one of the first professors in my discipline in the UK, leading change to embed a research culture within an NHS Trust and driving change based on evidence to improve how things are done. More information about my role in leading change can be found here: https://doi.org/10.1177/17449871231152070

Life long learner: I was awarded a Diploma in Coaching from the University of Cambridge in 2021. Despite being dyslexic, this qualification adds to my others including PhD, Master of Philosophy, Diploma in Occupational Therapy & Diploma in Medical Education.

Connector & influencer: I continue to connect and influence through various networks including: the Association for Coaching & the UK’s Clinical Academic Roles for Nurses, Midwives& Allied Health Professionals Implementation Network (CARIN).